Friday, December 19, 2008

My Body Fat % in Dec'08

During Apr'08, I have the following figures - very unhealthy for a guy with small frame & height of only 166cm. Basically the figures screamed that I am OBESE and I didn't know anything about it.
  • Waistline of 38 inches (By Waistline std I am OBESE)

  • Body weight of 67-68kg

  • BMI of 24.5 (By BMI std I am OVERWEIGHT)

  • BF% of 30-31% (By BodyFat% std I am OBESE)

At the time that I started my blog in Oct'08, see my 1st posting on this blog. I have the following numbers
  • Waistline of 34.5 inches (I have lost 3.5in on my waist. By Waistline std I am still ok )

  • Body weight of 61kg

  • BMI of 22.1 (By BMI std I am NORMAL)

  • BF% of 25-26% (By BF% std this is BORDERLINE)

During Oct'08, I set the following Dec'08 target
  • Waistline of 33.5 inches or 85cm (this will be the hardest to achieve!)

  • Body weight of 59-60kg

  • BMI of 21.6

  • BF% of 23-24%

So, what is my ACTUAL result now in Dec'08? It's as follow
  • Waistline of between 33.0-33.5 inches (so I achieved my target!!)

  • Body weight of 61.4kg (didn't achieve target, but this is still good weight)

  • BMI of 22.3 (By BMI std I am NORMAL, ok)

  • BF% of 24.5% (By BF% std this is ACCEPTABLE, ok but could be better)

As you can see from the printout of the Tanita Bodyfat Analyzer TBF-401. I have got the following results for July08 & Dec08. Over the period of 6 months, I have lost a total body weight of 4.4kg (65.8-61.4). From the printout, I have lost 4.7kg (19.7-15.0) of body fat and gained 0.3kg (from 46.1kg to 46.4kg) of Lean Mess (muscle). But my body fat of 15kg is still outside the desirable range of 7.6-13.9kg.
Now I have another 1.1kg of body fat to lose, that will be my target for the next 6 months. My next target is to archieve
  • - bodyfat of 20%
  • - 32.5" waistline
  • - body weight of around 62kg.
Thus, it's possible to lose weight and stay healthy if you put your mind to it and be persistant. Why don't you follow my example?

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