Thursday, May 21, 2009

Too much cola ‘leads to muscle and heart problems’

LONDON, May 21 — Experts have issued a warning against drinking large quantities of cola, saying it could lead to muscle problems, an irregular heartbeat and bone weakness.

The number of cola-lovers suffering health issues is on the rise, they said, adding there had been a food industry push towards an “increase in portion sizes”.

As well as tooth decay, diabetes and “softening” of the bones, doctors have seen patients suffering from hypokalaemia — where potassium levels in the blood drop too low.

This can increase the risk of muscle problems and heart rhythm abnormalities, which could prove fatal in some cases.

“We are consuming more soft drinks than ever before and a number of health issues have already been identified including tooth problems, bone demineralisation and the development of metabolic syndrome and diabetes,” said Dr Moses Elisaf from the University of Ioannina in Greece, who led an academic review of the issue.

“Evidence is increasing to suggest that excessive cola consumption can also lead to hypokalaemia, in which the blood potassium levels fall, causing an adverse effect on vital muscle functions.”

His study, published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, detailed cases where patients drank two or more litres of cola a day.

In one case a 21-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the hospital suffering tiredness, loss of appetite and repeated vomiting.

The patient had consumed more than three litres of cola per day for the previous six years and was found to be suffering from severe hypokalaemia and a heart blockage.

Once she was taken off cola and given potassium replacement substances she made a full recovery.

Other case studies of people drinking between two and nine litres of cola a day found they suffered muscle problems ranging from “mild weakness to profound paralysis”.

Dr Elisaf said that caffeine intoxication is thought to play the most important role in the cases. — Independent

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mission Lose-weight

My weight has gone up from 62kg to nearly 65kg in a short 4 months. There were a few reasons, but mainly due to imbalance of calorie intake & output. I read that with every excess 3500 calories, one can put on 1lb of weight, but actually is FAT!!

After some self-evaluation, I believe my problem is due to higher intake of calories and lesser burning of calories. So my target now is to burn off 3kg via more exercises, i.e. to burn additional 3500 calories per week. How? Typically 1 hour running will burn about 500 cal, running 1 hr for 7 days a week will burn 3500 cal. Hopefully I will succeed in a few weeks time.

Besides that, controlling food intake is also very important. I will be watching my caloric intake as well, my target is to lower my daily intake to under 2000 cal per day for the next few weeks.

Needless to say, my body fat % is disappointing. So is my waistline which has increased 2". Wish me luck!

Mt Kinabalu Charity Climb - part 3

My journey to Mt Kinabalu is something I will remember for long time, what an experience! But my trip will be less meaningful without the support of many family members, friends & business associates. Their moral and kind donation means a lot of me, as all their donation will go towards the charity. I like to share some photos here. Enjoy ...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mt Kinabalu Charity Climb - part 2

I have received my charity climb donation card today, so that's just in time for me to do donation collection for charity fund to help the cardiac children. We (the hospital) hopes to raise RM250,000 in total to help 10 children with open heart operation. As a climber I have to raise RM10,000, so I need a lot of help & support from my friends and family members.

As a climber, I also have to pay my own air-ticket & other misc expenses. So the money I raised will fully go to the donation fund and it's not for my trip. My hospital is able to issue tax-exampt receipt for your kind donation, if you wish to receive one.

I have started my training this week by climbing the Penang Hill from Moon Gate near Botanical Garden to reach point 84 by 50min, it was a slow climb & not too hard for me. The total time spent was 1.5hr as coming down hill is faster. But I was told that this is just 1/8 of the distance compare to Mt KK, and that will be tough :-(. I was advised to train at least twice a week up to two months before the actual climb, so I have to put in a lot of time and effort to train for this. So I really hope that all my friends will support me in my donation collection this Chinese New Year period as this is really for the good cause.
Mt Kinabalu is South-East Asia's tallest mountain. The highest point is Low's Peak at 4,095.2m above sea level. As a friend, you are welcome to join me in the climb and be part of the team to have a new experience, gain a healthy & fit body thru training, plus doing charity at the same time. What a bargain!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mt Kinabalu Charity Climb - part 1

Guys & girls,
I have confirmed my place for the climb of Mt KK at end March. So I got to train hard for it after CNY, so that will automatically give me another motivation to exercise hard (for my own health) and also to help others (charity to operate on 10 children with heart diseases). A little bit like Kenny Sia, funnyman of Malaysian Blogger (see, you will love him). He keep participating in marathon runs to keep himself fit ( BTW Kenny's blog is one of the top in Msia in terms of hit counts.

As a participant of this climb, I need to raise fund of RM10,000 in the next 3 months, so I can use a lot of your spare $$ (10, 50 or 100) is most welcome!! Pls sms me with your support so that I can raise the fund for this good cause. Better still join me in the climb and help raise RM10,000 under your donation collection.


2nd Mount Kinabalu Charity Climb for Cardiac Children
In Aid of Children with Congenital Heart Diseases

Target: RM250,000 for 10 children
Collection period : January 15 to March 15, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Slim and Sleek

This is an article from Fit4Life of Sunday Star. Even though it's written for women but apply to men too. Use this approach
  • Make a commitment
  • Get emotional support
  • Set a realistic goal
  • Eat healthy & enjoy it
  • Be active
  • Change your life

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ernesto Suncar Dropped 430 Pounds, from 640 lbs. to 210

City guy says he dodged death by losing 430 lbs., going from 640 to 210
Ernesto Suncar Dropped 430 Pounds, Makes Your Resolutions Look Stupid

Impressive huh?
He now has the waistline of 34", just half an inche more than me, wow!! And I am struggling to go down from 33.5" to 32.5",

Please don't make this your new year resolution!

Have a good laugh, but please don't do an Adam

Sleep affects physical and mental health

Extract from website

Sleep has a direct relationship to physical and mental health. Deprive a person of proper sleep & physical symptoms invariably develop.
  • Research at Harvard University Medical School has identified links between the lack of proper sleep and assorted medical conditions ranging from cardiac conditions to cancer.

  • Proper sleep is now recognized as a physical necessity.

  • Sleep works as a restorative function for the brain and body.

  • It is thought that deep sleep allows for a period of brain chemical / neurotransmitter replenishment. Are we smarter in the morning?

  • Lack of proper sleep can be responsible for an assortment of medical conditions.

  • Inadequate sleep increases the risk for heart disease as well as autoimmune disorders (i.e. rheumatoid arthritis).

  • Lost sleep causes the brain to stop producing cells & thus lower intelligence. "The suppression of adult neurogenesis may underlie some of the cognitive deficits associated with prolonged sleep deprivation.", Dr Elizabeth Gould

  • Narcotic / prescription sleep meds are detrimental to proper sleep.
Healthy Sleep - 5 stages of sleep

Healthy sleep is comprised of 90 minute sleep cycles. Each 90 minute cycle consisting of the 5 stages of sleep. Proper restful sleep will cycle through these 5 stages of sleep every 90 minutes throughout the night.

  • This 1st stage is characterized by a drowsy feeling rather than 'sleep'. It is definitely an integral part of the sleep process.
  • In the second stage of sleep ones awareness of the external environment slips away.
  • Stage Three is a transition into Stage 4's delta deep sleep.
  • Stage Four Delta Sleep is deep sleep, it is difficult to quickly awaken from Delta sleep.
  • Stage Five is Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, associated with dreaming. REM sleep is most prevalent in the final third of a sleep period.

More details about 5 stages of sleep

This 1st stage is characterized by a drowsy feeling rather than 'sleep'. It is definitely an integral part of the sleep process.

  • Stage 1 is the gateway between waking consciousness and sleeping unconsciousness. As we fall asleep, yawn.

In the second stage of sleep ones awareness of the external environment slips away.

  • Stage 2 occupies 45-55% of total sleep.

Stage Three is a transition into Stage 4's delta deep sleep.

  • Heart rate slows, respirations slow, brain waves slow.
  • Less than 10% of total sleep.

Stage Four Delta Sleep is deep sleep, it is difficult to quickly awaken from Delta sleep.

  • Delta sleeps dominates the first third of the night and makes up about 10-15% of total sleep time.
  • This is a period of intense but slow brain waves. Brain waves significantly slow
    Heart rate & respirations slow, the body becomes mostly immobile.
  • It is during stages 3 and 4, or slow brain wave sleep, that growth hormone levels increase and changes in immune function occur.
  • Delta Sleep could be considered the anabolic part of sleep. Delta Sleep is when growth and rejuvenation occurs. A period of rejuvenation for our muscular, immune, nervous and skeletal systems.
  • This pre-dream state stage of sleep is the time when sleep walking occurs. In REM sleep skeletal muscles are frozen.

The fifth Stage is Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, associated with dreaming. REM sleep is most prevalent in the final third of a sleep period.

  • Predominates the late stages of sleep and can comprise up to 50% of the final 90 minute cycles.
  • A period of very active brain activity, pulse rate increases & we lose the ability to use our skeletal muscles.
  • REM sleep helps with the organization of memory.
  • When you awaken with 'a problem solved' thank REM sleep's memory optimization process.

And don't miss this article, very organised & easy to understand Sleeping Well; What You Need to Know

Here is another one, Information about Sleep