Sunday, November 16, 2008

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2008

I have crossed the Penang Bridge (PB) thousands of times, via driving. Today, I had a new experience - running across it during the half marathon run (25kms). Did I enjoyed it, you may asked? I didn't as I had to fight back muscle cramp many times and had the dreadful experience of running past one fine young secondary student who passed out. Luckily there were a few true gentlemen who stopped to help him, shame on me! I prayed that he's ok. Like many who didn't stopped (although I slowed down, I suspect he pushed himself too hard, over-estimate his physical ability), I trained hard for this and really want to challenge myself with a good time.

Before the race, I was all alone, unlike many who came in group, so I feel a bit intimidated by many season runners, who has the characteristic of well tone body, huge culf muscle from years of running. Muscle is the last thing you associate with me, :-). Anyway, I calmed myself and decided to just set up to do my job, run my own race at my comfortable pace. But I did push myself a bit by setting my eyes on a few runners and kept pace with them, we all need target in life if we want to achieve something, it's the same during the run. I also choose to run in shortest straightline on any curve stretch to conserve energy :-p

I realized I was doing good race & above my pace when I ran past mid-span towards Prai and will arrive in Prai in less than 1.5hrs target time. After rounding the Prai Toll and ran back to Penang Island, the ill-effect of my higher pace gradually set in, could feel the danger of cramp many times. It didn't help when the sky was overcast and there's hardly any breeze, I was sweating so much and my body temparature was so hot! I kept glancing towards Queensbay Mall from the PB, why still so far? It was a real struggle during the last 5kms. I didn't want to stop running and turn to walking, otherwise my good effort during the 1st 20kms will be negated, as many will overtake me. I was at turtle-pace during the last 2kms as my 2 legs were just NOT responding :-(

The cut-off time to get a cert & finisher medal for half marathon is 3.5hrs. I was quietly confident before the race that I might be able to do 3hrs-pace and arriving at finishing line at around 7.30am, baring any mishaps or my chronic upper back bone didn't trouble me. But I got home in 2hrs 33min xxsec, arrived around 7am. Unfortunately I didn't asked for my position at the finishing point, but I believe I got around #100-120. Not bad huh? My time translates to just over 6min/km for 25kms race, I reckoned this is ok lah for a 1st timer! That's the end of good news.

View the youtube clip of this morning run

Now, my knee joints REALLY sore, can't bend it easily without any pain. I hope I didn't permanently damaged my vulnerable knee joints, otherwise I can kiss goodbye to my running exercise. Man! Give me more Glucosamine Sulfate now!! Being a left-hander, naturally my right knee hurts the most. CM, Mr Lim said next year's PB run is 29th Nov 2009. Will I return? I don't think so based on current prognosis.

Update on 17th Nov, 8pm: After a knee x-ray, a visit to orthopaedic surgeon & physio, my knee is not as bad as I first feared - no bone crack, no tendon or ligamen tear. There are slight swelling most likely due to the punishment of the race. I can bend my knee better but still with pain, hopely it will settle within a couple of days. Hurray!

Update on 23rd Nov, 5pm: After nearly one week of resting, I am back to brisk walking yesterday for 3kms and suffer no ill effect the next day. So I am back!

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