Friday, October 31, 2008

Keys to successful exercise regime

I was once sedentary and the usual excuse for not exercising is 'lack of time', yet I spent a lot of time watching Discovery, AXN or Sport channels. My favourites are Mythbuster, MegaProjects, CSI, Man vs Wild, World Craziest Video, Amazing Races, EPL etc.

Yes, my TV times is always at night which I can't use for running anyway. I preferred to run in the late afternoon, yet I was doing it so irregularly that's hardly useful. This is because my exercise was an after-thought or last minute thing where I have to put aside other chore to make it happen.

Then I found a better way, the key to successful & consistent exercise is to put IT as one of your everyday's TOP PRIORITY (of your personal time), then you slot your other chores around it, NO COMPROMISE (unless it conflicts with my boss's request)!! My fixed time for exercise everyday is 7am to 8am and 6:30pm to 7:30pm. My family know about it and they respect my exercise times and give me freedom to do so everyday. Now even my wife & kids are following me every afternoon whenever their time allowed, which is great way of encouraging them to exercise.

Go on, give it a try! You will be surprise how easy it is to maintain a regular exercise regime.

Another motivation is to buy some gears to give you some satisfaction & rewards for doing your exercise regularly. This is mentioned by many guru too and I found it so true. During my early days of running/briskwalking, I use old shorts & shirt, Power-brand running shoes. These are shabby-looking, always uncomfortable and hardly inspiring, don't you agree? But it make no sense to invest if I am not sure if I could maintain the momentum.

I started with 2kms run and my heart & lung almost burst due to poor physical conditioning and that was April 2008. Today I can run 10kms non-stop everyday. Last week I did my first 15kms non-stop in under 2hours and this is Oct 2008, just 6 months later.

Now, I reward myself with proper running gears
  • Running shorts & shirts from Mizuno, NewBalance, Puma, Adidas. All are climate-control type

  • Running shoes from Mizuno, NewBalance & Asics
  • Knee guards, Head band etc

My plan is to buy proper reflective gear (hat & vast) and drinking bottle (for hydrating on the long run) from US next year. Occasionally I run until 8pm, I have no plan to be another road kills stat.

Watch this nightlife video, cangih or not?

Physical Activity & Cancer Prevention

This is another article from Sunday Star (FitforLife section). I hope cancer prevention is good enough motivation for you to maintain your physical regime regularly.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Honda Asimo Roadshows

School holiday is coming and Asimo is coming to town too. Please mark the date if you want to treat your kids to live Asimo show. It's in 1 Utama from 14-16 Nov, and Queensbay Mall from 27-30 Nov. Go on! Please check local newspaper or with the mall for the time.

ASIMO Road Tour Calendar
14 – 16 Nov 2008:- New Wing, 1 Utama Shopping Centre, Selangor

20 – 23 Nov 2008:- City Square Shopping Centre, JB

27 – 30 Nov 2008:- Queensbay Mall, Penang

I am bringing my kids there, are you?

Go to Honda Asimo website for more details

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Blockbuster week - briskwalk & running

I had a blockbuster week in terms of running & briskwalk, courtesy of good weather.
  • From Mon to Fri, I did 6km every afternoon.

  • On Saturday I did 8km of running in the evening (45min).

  • On Sunday I did 8km of briskwalk in the morning (1hr) & 10km of running in the evening (1hr).
That's a total of 56kms in one week! Felt very encourage, especially after 10km of running, I still feel some gas left.

Now I am toying with the outrageous idea of doing half-marathon @ Penang Bridge Run 2008 on 16th Nov 2008 (which is 27days away!) for the 1st time in my life. Hopefully it's still not too late to register.

But half marathon is 25km distance which is beyond my normal limit, I reckon with a bit of luck I might be able to do 12-15kms running none-stop, NOT 25kms. I suspose some distance will be thru walking. I only have less than 1 month to prepare myself and have no clue how to do half-marathon, so I guess I have to either ask somebody or the net. Any expert out there want to give me a hint or two?

Alternatively I will do Starwalk Penang 2008 on 14th Dec 2008, if I am not mistaken that is a 10km walk, it should be easy. I have only done this walk twice in the past more than 10 years ago.

Any friend want to join me? But please get the clearance from your doctor first, make sure he say you are fit to do running.

All works no play - no fun!

Today my family & me treat ourselves with the latest craze in town (BM shopping mall) - Big Apple Donuts & Coffee. We bought a big box of 12 donuts of various flavours @ RM21.

Yes, doughnuts/donuts are not healthy food. But once in awhile I will let go a bit.

The rule of thumb is unhealthy foods taste good, healthy foods taste bad or rather not-so-tasty.

Example of unhealthy foods are nasi lemak, roti canai, fried chicken, etc. Don't they taste great?!

And try pysllium and you will know how plain it tastes, but it's very good for your gut. I usually add honey to sweeten it. This is my 1st drink with empty stomach most morning.

Typically my 1st daily breakfast is a bowl of cereal with soya milk (yes, I avoid milk as much as possible, see this Milk-bad-for-you? & you will understand why I avoid milk). Usually I follow that with some slices of REAL wholemeal bread. The cost of my breakfast is usually more expensive than a bowl of noddle & coffee in the normal kopitiam, but it's so much more healthy. However I do treat myself to occassional noddles & nasi lemak - just like the title of this post, all works no play - no fun.

My favourite cereals are

To some people this is even too sweet, but I feel it's ok as it's sweeten by natural dried fruits, not sugar. However I will avoid many other very-sweet-cereals found in most major hypermarket, those are sweeten with lots of sugar, just too much and is unhealthy actually. I will not display them here but check it out yourself, see their sugar content. Just go for those with lots of pure muesli, oats and must be uncoated with sweet/sugar.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Exercise as Medicine

I bought this book in Popular Book Store a few months ago. Quite an easy reading and find a lot of useful information. Particularly, I like Part 2 of the book.

"Want to live long, healthy and strong, or avoid disease and premature death? It's possible. There is a formula for a healthy life and it is summed up in one word: Exercise."

"Exercise brings health; lack of exercise promotes disease. Even if you already have a disease or are in poor health, exercise can help to minimise, control or manage your health condition. Exercise also helps you feel better - physically, emotionally and mentally. It improves your body's flexibility, strength and mobility."

Love your kidneys and heart

There's an intimate connection between your kidneys and heart.

This is another article from The Star

Beat the afternoon slump

This is another article from The Star.

Always find it hard to stay awake after lunch? This is another reading for you.
This is the summary of the tips given
  • Avoid huge carbohydrate lunch, e.g. large bowl of rice or noodles
  • Reduce the portion size so not to overburden digestive system and drain your energy
  • Go for short walk after lunch as it aids digestion
  • Snack on healthy, high protein choices e.g. nuts & seeds
  • Avoid sugary snacks or caffeinated drink mid morning as it will worsen slump
  • Drink enough water throughout the day
  • Chew your food properly to assist digestion

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Preventing Cancer

Paying close attention to food and nitrition, physical activity and body fatness can reduce the risk of various cancers.

This is yet another article from Star.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Belly belly good

Report shows why it's smart to get your belly dancing. This is another Star's article.

A panel commissioned by US Dept of Health & Human Services in 2006 reported the effect of exercise on health and disease prevention. Four important statements:

  • A little goes a long way
  • More is better
  • For weight loss, even more is better yet
  • Resistance isn't futile

Pls read the article below for more details.

Your Lifeline's in the Waistline

OK men, listen up! Your survival boils down to a simple, inversely proporational equation:

Reduced waistline = Extended lifeline.

This article is from The Star.

BLS Algorithm

The keys to successful CPR are

  • A - Airway
  • B - Breathing
  • C - Circulation
  • D - Defibrillation

CPR for Adults

  • Check for response, call for help if no response
  • Airway - open airways and check breathing, perform head tilt-chin lift, mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-mask- Breathing - if not breathing, give 2 breaths, check chest rise (2x)
  • Circulation - Check pulse
  • Defibrillation - if no pulse, give compression (30 compression and 2 breath @ 100 compression/min). Continue cycle until AED or EMT arrives

The following diagram are the algorithm for doing CPR for adult.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

BLS for Healthcare Providers Course

I just sit and passed the course today and hopefully I can save a life or two in the future. The course is offered by AHA (American Heart Association) and conducted in Penang Adventist Hospital.

BLS is Basic Life Support. We learned the following skills in the watchful eyes of the instructors
  • CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) for adult, child & infant using adult & infant manikins
  • To use an automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Relieve choking (foreign-body airway obstruction)
The class starts with the viewing of Mr Bean's CPR experience. This is a MUST WATCH!

With the affluent lifestyle of Malaysians, lots of great foods leads of bulging waistline that lead to heart diseases. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death in an out-of-hospital scenario. According to my doctor, our brain takes merely 4-min to 'cook', or say 'Kapuk'. So sending a SCA victim to hospital through the Malaysia roads without first giving CPR really reduces the chance of survival for the victim. It's with this hope that more will learn the CPR skills to save more life.

Learning CPR does not make us a doctor, but merely giving us the skills to help sustain the victim's vital organs with sufficient oxygen until the ambulance arrived.

Learning to use the AED is really cool and I am sure everyone already know by now that when we give 'shock' to the victim using AED, you are NOT supposed to touch the victim, otherwise you too get 'shock'. Read more about AED from American Red Cross website.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Walking Hints

This is extract from Harvey Diamond's book (Fit for Life - A New Beginning)

These hints will make your walking experience most enjoyable & productive

  1. Get a good pair of walking/running shoes (my recommendation: ASICS, NEW BALANCE or BROOKS)

  2. Walk either in the early morning or late afternoon (I did both). Don't do the mid afternoon walk!

  3. Don't push it. Take it easy at first, start slowly & build up strength - start with 10min or twice a week

  4. Swing your arms. This helps circulate the blood & strengthen the heart.

  5. Best if there's no food in your stomach. Digesting demands energy. The exception is fruit which requires very little energy to digest (I like to start my exercise with fruits)

  6. Hydrate yourself. Drink a glass of water before you walk & after you finish walking.

  7. Stretching is an excellent habit to practice while walking or after your walk. Stretch your hamstrings, thighs & calves (read the book for more details)
Benefits of Walking

  1. It helps increase the strength & efficiency of your heart & muscles
  2. Walking lowers cholesterol
  3. Increases both energy level & stamina. Also improve overall strength, flexibility & balance
  4. Increases bone mass, bones become stronger with regular exercise & lower risk of osteoporosis
  5. Walking together with healthy diet can help you lose weight. A 45min walk every other day for 1 year can burn 8kgs of fat
  6. Walking reduces hypertension (high blood pressure) & aids diabetics
  7. Promotes better sleep
  8. Mild exercise like walking after eating helps to relieve minor indigestion
  9. Promotes healthy back (remember lower back pain?)
  10. Improves sex life (good enough reason, right?)
  11. Walking relieves stress.
  12. Walking reduces the risk of colon cancer
  13. Walking boosts the defence system
  14. Walking stimulates the lymph system which is essential in the prevention of disease

But if you have not been active, don't just go out and run a half marathon like some crazy fellow here, you may die of heart attack. Always consult your doctor before you decide to get active, make sure that you get a clear bill of health from your doctor as he will give you the best advise.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Understanding Metabolism to improve your health

Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) our body burns to maintain itself. It is essentially the speed at which our body's motor is running. The speed at which our body burns calories is called the metabolic rate.
The metabolism is based on the number of calories we burn throughout the day. Our body constantly burns calories to keep us going whether we are eating, sleeping, cleaning etc.
Once the daily business of breathing, eating, moving and other activities are met, any unused or surplus calories get stored, mostly in the form of fat. This means that if you take in more calories than you use, you will gain weight.
People with a lower percentage of body fat (i.e. muscular) have a higher metabolism than others that are less muscular because muscle uses more calories to maintain itself than fat.
Some people have a slower metabolic rate and have a harder time staying slim. A slow metabolism actually causes to store fat. The slower the metabolic rate, the greater the weight gains.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is what your body needs at rest to maintain normal bodily functions like beating of our heart, respiration, and the maintenance of body temperature at a thermostatic setting just under 100 deg, etc. All these mechanical and thermometric functions require a base level of energy. About 60-75% of energy is expended by the body at rest in such activities.
You use another 10% of calories to digest and metabolize food. 1-3 hours after meal, the nutrients in your bloodstream and the food your stomach and intestines produce heat in a process called the thermic effect of food. The amount of calories you burn varies with the type of food you eat. You burn more calories to breakdown a steak than a banana and very few calories are expanded in breaking down simple sugars.
The resting metabolism depends on age, physical condition, the amount of fat and muscle in your body. You had a very high metabolism at your birth. At mid thirties, metabolism slows by 3 to 5 % per decade. By age 55, you require 150 fewer calories per day than in your mid thirties. For that reason, you should cut back on calories or increase your activity level to burn more calories, otherwise you will store additional fat in your body resulting in increased weight.
The metabolic rate depends on sex, age, and amount of muscle. Younger persons have higher (faster) metabolism because of the increased activity of cells. Men generally have a 10-15% faster BMR than women because male body has greater percentage of lean muscle tissues.

Exercise can increase your BMR
Basal Metabolic Rate can be calculated by the following formula of the World Health Organization. BMR for Female = [ 655+(9.6 x Weight in kilogram) + (1.7 x Height in centimeter) – (4.7 x Age) ] Male = [ 66+(13.7 x Weight in kilogram) + (5 x Height in centimeter) – (6.8 x Age) ]

Causes for Low Metabolism
· Fasting
· A low calorie diet
· Snacking throughout the day on high sugared foods (candy, colas, cakes, gum).
· Eating or drinking too much sugar containing foods.
· Lack of physical activity.
· Under active thyroid.

How to Increase (speed up) Metabolism
· To boost metabolism, do not skip any meals. Eat 5-6 small meals during the day. Starving will slow down your metabolism.
· Exercise daily
· Build your muscles. Do you Know: 1 pound of fat burns only 2 calories a day while 1 pound of muscle burns 50 calories a day !!! The more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will be, and the more calories you will burn while at rest. When muscle mass decreases, the metabolic rate also drops.
· Avoid alcohol, sugar, and fastings
· Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.
· Eat foods with high nutrition values
Take apple cider vinegar+honey+garlic. It is good for increasing metabolism.

Metabolism Boosters
Some of the tips for increasing or speeding boosters are given below:
Natural metabolism boosters: Chilli (chili), Mustard, Green Tea, Water, dietary fibers, foods that are complex carbohydrates and proteins.
Note that foods can increase your metabolism only marginally. Only the lifestyle changes can make a dramatic effect on metabolism.
Some over the counter pills for speeding up the metabolism are available that contain animal thyroid. You should not take these products as these may have side effects as diarrhea, increased heart rate, excessive sweating, nervousness, tremors, bulging eyes, etc
Be physically active. In an activity like walking, bowling, dancing or playing golf, the energy you expand is greater if you have more weight to move around. A 140 pound man who walks 3 miles in an hour burns 220 calories as compared to a person of 110 pound, who burns only 180 cal going the same pace.

Obesity causes cancer

This is an article I picked up from Sunday Star. Must read.
Are you fearful of getting this lottery? Cancer lottery? I was but not now after I know how to proactively protect myself. Shouldn't you do the same prevention?

Do you know Milk is actually bad for you?

No, this is not related to melamine poisoning. Instead of building calcium, milk may draw calcium away from your bone resulting in osteoporosis. I was merely quoting what I have read as I am no scientist. I encourage you to research more on the internet to check this statement.
Anlene gets a new face is the article about Datuk Michelle Yeoh advertising for New Anlene Concentrate. What happen if this is really bad for your bone? I don't know... You may want to warn your wife.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Body Fat Analyzer

Body fat analyzers are becoming extremely popular. Some body fat analyzers can indeed help you in your quest to improve your health, level of fitness, and make your fat loss & weight loss efforts more effective.

Most people are finally realizing that improving your health, fitness, etc. isn't just about losing a certain amount of body weight. Yes weight can be a determining factor, the more important thing to realize is how much body fat are you actually burning off?

There are various body fat analyzers on sales, although they are supposed to do the same thing - measure your body fat, but they don't always give the same result. So you really need to be more careful when shopping for one, do your own research before committing to one.

I have been going around "testing" the body fat analyzers to get my body fat readings, for free of course. That's how I managed to know that my body fat percentage started with 30% and dropped to 25% recently. But of course you need to do a lot of exercise to burn the body fat. From my own experience

  • exercise at least 45 to 60min at least 5 day/week
  • typically your heart rate must reach at least 65% of your max heart rate before your body will start burn fat, also need to maintain at that rate or higher for at least 20min
  • your Max Heart Rate = 220 - your age, e.g. my MHR = 220 - 40 = 180
  • 65% of MHR = 180 x 65% = 117
I hope this is helpful. Go search the net for more info from the experts.

Food Combining

I have never heard of this term before I read the books (Fit for Life & Fit for Life II - Living health) by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. Many thanks to my colleague for loaning me the books. The books were written long time ago so it's like granddad writing, lots of grandfather stories before getting to the point. Definitely not like the "10-min to MBA" book type. Nevertheless the content is superb!

I thought I know quite a bit about eating well such as eating small portion sizes etc, but not food combining. Just browse the net for food combining, e.g.
However I must say that this technique is usually used for weight loss. I don't know whether it's suitable if you want to maintain your already healthy weight. Furthermore this technique definitely will present problem to most people no matter where you live. We are all trained to MIX ALL FOODs together from young, isn't that food combining? No, it's totally different and you will not like it. You cannot mix rice, meat & vege together. I don't know how you are going to usual meal everyday, :-(

But I think food combining is logically. I am doing it almost all the time because of my secret.

P.S. My kind colleague loaned me another book by Harvey Diamond, Fit for Life - A new beginning. More book to read ... thank you.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Overweight and obesity in Malaysia

According to the nationwide Third National health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS III) conducted in 2006 showed that 29.1% of the 33055 adult population studied was found to be overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9). The prevalence of obesity (BMI >30) was reported to be 14.0%. Adding this figure together we have an overweight & obesity rate of staggering 43%!

Judging by what we seen on the street, I fear to say that almost half of the male population are overweight. Just looking around when you are on the street and you will know what I mean.

I sincerely hope that more Malaysians will stay active and eat sensibly to maintain healthy weight. It is possible to find time and be discipline if we want to stay healthy.

You can get a lot of data from Nutrition Society of Malaysia website:

Detox Plan

If you want to stay healthy & fit, besides watching what you eat, you also need to ensure that you keep your stomach & internal clean. You know what I mean.

You may want to read this - Herbal colon cleansing using psyllium

Constipation is bad for your body, so doing toilet business at least one or twice a day is a MUST! If you are having problem with this business and try to prevent it, psyllium is one common way to go. I take this with honey at least 3-4 times a week during the morning.

My running shoes

My first running shoes was a Mizuno Wave Elixir2 which I bought in June and used it for 4 months. Recently I bought a New Balance 1062 from KL and ditched the Mizuno, actually I gave it to my eldest son who is joining my running everyday (but shorter distance for the young man :-)).

It's a much better shoes compare to Mizuno. My Mizuno was quite loose and I felt unsafe and worried about spraining my ankle when running. My New Balance 1062 is so fitting and comfortable, it has gel-insert on the sore thus gives me a lot of comfort to run longer and faster. Currently I try to run everyday in order to burn more fat so that I can achieve my year end target. Typically I run about 8 to 10kms a day, 6 to 7 days a week. I usually finished 8kms in 1 hour.

I hope to buy a new pair of ASICS Nimbus10 next year which is quite expensive, at least RM300++ but I believe it's an ultimate running shoes judging from what I read on the internet.

Besides running, I also alternate with brisk walking. By doing running and brisk walking on different days, I get to exercise different part of my muscle groups. Brisk walking really works my stomach muscle big time. I feel it's harder compare with running, so I usually do about 6 to 8kms. Typically I walked 6kms in 45min before I run out of gas and have sore legs.

But if you have not been active, don't just go out and run a half marathon like some crazy fellow here, you may die of heart attack. Always consult your doctor before you decide to get active, make sure that you get a clear bill of health from your doctor as he will give you the best advise.

Body Fat Percentage

Body fat measurements and the measuring tape are recognized as superior methods for measuring "weight loss". When one declares that they want to "lose weight", what they often mean is that they want to lose fat. So, now that you've had your body fat percentage measured, what does the number really mean?

First, your body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat your body contains. If you are 150 pounds and 10% fat, it means that your body consists of 15 pounds fat and 135 pounds lean body mass (bone, muscle, organ tissue, blood and everything else).

A certain amount of fat is essential to bodily functions. Fat regulates body temperature, cushions and insulates organs and tissues and is the main form of the body's energy storage. The following table describes body fat ranges and their associated categories:

*General Body Fat Percentage Categories

ClassificationWomen (% fat)Men (% fat)
Essential Fat10-12%2-4%
Obese32% plus25% plus
*American Council on Exercise

Knowing your body fat percentage can also help you determine if your weight loss goals are realistic. Remember, weight loss doesn't always mean fat loss. For example:

Let's say you're a 130# woman with 23% body fat, and you goal is to "lose 20 pounds":

Initial body fat: 130# x 0.23 fat = 30 # body fat

Lean body mass: 130# total - 30# fat = 100# lean body mass (bones, organs and all else)

Goal: 130# - 20# = 110 pounds

As you can see, the goal of losing 20 pounds is not realistic or healthy. At 110 pounds, this woman still requires 100# of lean body mass (bones, organs, etc.), but would only be carrying 10#, or only 9% body fat. From the chart above, you can see that this is a dangerously low percentage.

A better goal might be for the woman to reduce her body fat from 23% to 18%. In this case:

130# x 0.18 = 23 # body fat

100# lean body mass + 23 # = 123# goal weight

So, for this individual to achieve a lean, but healthy 18% fat, she would need to lose only 7 pounds of fat, reducing her weight from her current 130 pounds to 123 pounds. Losing more than 7 pounds means losing lean body mass (usually metabolically-active muscle tissue), which is clearly not desirable.

So before you decide that you need to "lose weight", remember to consider that "weight" consists of both lean body mass and body fat. Try to keep your weight loss goals realistic, and remember, keep the calorie-burning muscle, and lose only the fat.

Eating Well

Whether you've decided to keep your weight steady, or go for weight loss, making healthy changes to your daily diet and being more active is the key to achieving your goal.

Eating well is about enjoying the food you eat and choosing sensible food options and portion sizes. Having fresh, healthy food options available at home or work will help you eat well.

In order to maintain healthy weight, we need to eat in a sensible way

  • eat small portion sizes regularly, typically 5-6 times a day
  • don't eat supper, especially after 10pm
  • having correct food options, check out what is food combining
  • avoid eating oily food on a regular basis - roti canai and nasi kandar
The wrong ways of eating are
  • eat 2 to 3 times a day, each time with huge portions
  • also have supper, especially at mamak joints every night
  • wrong food combining
More to come...

Be Active

Being physically active uses up calories. In order to lose weight you need to either eat fewer calories, or burn up more by being more active.

Did you know that walking briskly for at least 30 minutes a day for a year could lead to a weight loss of around 5.5kg (12lbs)?

Exercise will help you lose weight

  • More of the weight you lose will be fat
  • Your metabolism increases (so you use up more energy even when you're resting)

People who have successfully lost weight find that being active is one of the major factors in keeping the weight off. So activity is really important in weight maintenance too.

Like any behaviour change, it's important to think through your reasons for wanting to be more active, and plan ahead for obstacles that might get in the way of your goal to be fitter. There are always benefits and potential downsides of any change. Only when the benefits are more important than the negative aspects of change, will you feel motivated to become more active.

But if you have not been active, don't just go out and run a half marathon like some crazy fellow here, you may die of heart attack. Always consult your doctor before you decide to get active, make sure that you get a clear bill of health from your doctor as he will give you the best advise.

Getting Physical

Most of us know that regular physical activity has a wealth of benefits, yet most of us are inactive. Our hectic life style has left most of us with little time for exercise leading to overweight.

We're less active - but still eating about the same amount as 20 years ago - so the excess calories are stored as fat. Having an active lifestyle can improve your overall health and help prevent disease. What's more, combined with healthy eating, regular physical activity is the best way to lose and maintain a healthy weight.

Why get active?

Being active helps you:

  • Live longer and more healthily
  • Improve your mood and helps relieve stress and depression
  • Feel good about yourself
  • Lose weight and improve body shape
  • Maintain your weight loss

But if you have not been active, don't just go out and run a half marathon like some crazy fellow here, you may die of heart attack. Always consult your doctor before you decide to get active, make sure that you get a clear bill of health from your doctor as he will give you the best advise.

Waist Measurement

A healthy waist meansurement is less than 80cm (32 inches) for women and less than 90cm (35 inches) for men. The measurement should be taken after breathing out!

You can use these websites to measure your waist

I remember reading from somewhere that Tiger Wood has a waistline of 28 inches, and he is 6 foot 2 inches!! But then again, he is swinging hundreds of times a day practicing his golf :-)

Body Mass Index

The body mass index (BMI) is a statistical measurement which compares a person's weight and height. Though it does not actually measure the percentage of body fat, it is a useful tool to estimate a healthy body weight based on how tall a person is. Due to its ease of measurement and calculation, it is the most widely used diagnostic tool to identify obesity problems within a population.

Body mass index is defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of their height.

\mathrm{BMI} = \frac{\mathit{weight} \ \mathrm{(kg)}}{\mathit{height}^2 (\mathrm{m^2})}

The healthy BMI for men and women in Asia is between 18.5 - 22.9.


BMI Range – kg/m2


Less than 14.9


From 15 to 18.4


From 18.5 to 22.9


From 23 to 27.5


From 27.6 to 40

Morbidly Obese

Greater than 40

Adults whose BMI is between 18.5 and 22.9 have a low risk of developing heart disease and other health problems such as diabetes. Those with a BMI between 23 and 27.4 are at moderate risk while those with a BMI of 27.5 and above are at high risk of heart disease and other health problems.

My Own Experience

I started doing various measurement of my health indices in April 2008.

I am 40 somethings male with small body frame. My height is 166cm with body weight of 67kg. I looked slim all the time except for my slightly bulging mid section.

  • So my BMI was 24.3 which is slightly overweight.
  • But my waistline was 38 inches, definitely overweight by that standard.
  • My body fat percentage (BF%) was 30%, terrible! In fact, I was obese by BF% standards.

Nobody will believe that I was obese, include myself, except that I have a bulging stomach, the only sign.

My past 20 years of chasing career and starting a small family has finally taken it's toll on my body health indices. I better do something before it's too late.

So from my own experience, I will use these measurement in the following order because BMI can be misleading measure.

  1. Waistline measurement
  2. Body fat percentage (BF%)
  3. Body mass index (BMI)

Today (Oct 2008), after several month of Getting Physical and Eating Well, my body weight is 61kg.

  1. Waistline is 34.5 inches or 88cm (healthy)
  2. BMI is 22.1 (normal)
  3. BF% is about 25% (higher end of Normal)

Not bad for 6 months of discipline and hard exercise.

My target for this year end (Dec 2008) is

  1. Waistline of 33.5 inches or 85cm (this will be the hardest to achieve!)
  2. Body weight of 59-60kg
  3. BMI of 21.6
  4. BF% of 23-24%

Not bad for a beginner I reckoned.

I used to eat quite little, thinking that I don't need so much food since I lead very inactive lifestyle. How wrong I was! Eating less will only lower my metabolism rate which means I will burn less fat and storing more of them!

Now that I am active, I am actually eating more as I feel hungry more frequently. Still I stick to eating small portion but more regularly. Typically I eat about 5-6 times a day, so that I don't feel hungry and ensuring that everything I eat get disgested - not store as fat!