Saturday, October 11, 2008

Walking Hints

This is extract from Harvey Diamond's book (Fit for Life - A New Beginning)

These hints will make your walking experience most enjoyable & productive

  1. Get a good pair of walking/running shoes (my recommendation: ASICS, NEW BALANCE or BROOKS)

  2. Walk either in the early morning or late afternoon (I did both). Don't do the mid afternoon walk!

  3. Don't push it. Take it easy at first, start slowly & build up strength - start with 10min or twice a week

  4. Swing your arms. This helps circulate the blood & strengthen the heart.

  5. Best if there's no food in your stomach. Digesting demands energy. The exception is fruit which requires very little energy to digest (I like to start my exercise with fruits)

  6. Hydrate yourself. Drink a glass of water before you walk & after you finish walking.

  7. Stretching is an excellent habit to practice while walking or after your walk. Stretch your hamstrings, thighs & calves (read the book for more details)
Benefits of Walking

  1. It helps increase the strength & efficiency of your heart & muscles
  2. Walking lowers cholesterol
  3. Increases both energy level & stamina. Also improve overall strength, flexibility & balance
  4. Increases bone mass, bones become stronger with regular exercise & lower risk of osteoporosis
  5. Walking together with healthy diet can help you lose weight. A 45min walk every other day for 1 year can burn 8kgs of fat
  6. Walking reduces hypertension (high blood pressure) & aids diabetics
  7. Promotes better sleep
  8. Mild exercise like walking after eating helps to relieve minor indigestion
  9. Promotes healthy back (remember lower back pain?)
  10. Improves sex life (good enough reason, right?)
  11. Walking relieves stress.
  12. Walking reduces the risk of colon cancer
  13. Walking boosts the defence system
  14. Walking stimulates the lymph system which is essential in the prevention of disease

But if you have not been active, don't just go out and run a half marathon like some crazy fellow here, you may die of heart attack. Always consult your doctor before you decide to get active, make sure that you get a clear bill of health from your doctor as he will give you the best advise.

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