Friday, October 31, 2008

Keys to successful exercise regime

I was once sedentary and the usual excuse for not exercising is 'lack of time', yet I spent a lot of time watching Discovery, AXN or Sport channels. My favourites are Mythbuster, MegaProjects, CSI, Man vs Wild, World Craziest Video, Amazing Races, EPL etc.

Yes, my TV times is always at night which I can't use for running anyway. I preferred to run in the late afternoon, yet I was doing it so irregularly that's hardly useful. This is because my exercise was an after-thought or last minute thing where I have to put aside other chore to make it happen.

Then I found a better way, the key to successful & consistent exercise is to put IT as one of your everyday's TOP PRIORITY (of your personal time), then you slot your other chores around it, NO COMPROMISE (unless it conflicts with my boss's request)!! My fixed time for exercise everyday is 7am to 8am and 6:30pm to 7:30pm. My family know about it and they respect my exercise times and give me freedom to do so everyday. Now even my wife & kids are following me every afternoon whenever their time allowed, which is great way of encouraging them to exercise.

Go on, give it a try! You will be surprise how easy it is to maintain a regular exercise regime.

Another motivation is to buy some gears to give you some satisfaction & rewards for doing your exercise regularly. This is mentioned by many guru too and I found it so true. During my early days of running/briskwalking, I use old shorts & shirt, Power-brand running shoes. These are shabby-looking, always uncomfortable and hardly inspiring, don't you agree? But it make no sense to invest if I am not sure if I could maintain the momentum.

I started with 2kms run and my heart & lung almost burst due to poor physical conditioning and that was April 2008. Today I can run 10kms non-stop everyday. Last week I did my first 15kms non-stop in under 2hours and this is Oct 2008, just 6 months later.

Now, I reward myself with proper running gears
  • Running shorts & shirts from Mizuno, NewBalance, Puma, Adidas. All are climate-control type

  • Running shoes from Mizuno, NewBalance & Asics
  • Knee guards, Head band etc

My plan is to buy proper reflective gear (hat & vast) and drinking bottle (for hydrating on the long run) from US next year. Occasionally I run until 8pm, I have no plan to be another road kills stat.

Watch this nightlife video, cangih or not?

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