Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Food Combining

I have never heard of this term before I read the books (Fit for Life & Fit for Life II - Living health) by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. Many thanks to my colleague for loaning me the books. The books were written long time ago so it's like granddad writing, lots of grandfather stories before getting to the point. Definitely not like the "10-min to MBA" book type. Nevertheless the content is superb!

I thought I know quite a bit about eating well such as eating small portion sizes etc, but not food combining. Just browse the net for food combining, e.g.
However I must say that this technique is usually used for weight loss. I don't know whether it's suitable if you want to maintain your already healthy weight. Furthermore this technique definitely will present problem to most people no matter where you live. We are all trained to MIX ALL FOODs together from young, isn't that food combining? No, it's totally different and you will not like it. You cannot mix rice, meat & vege together. I don't know how you are going to usual meal everyday, :-(

But I think food combining is logically. I am doing it almost all the time because of my secret.

P.S. My kind colleague loaned me another book by Harvey Diamond, Fit for Life - A new beginning. More book to read ... thank you.

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